

The “Imaginaires” group -as its title does not necessarily indicate- is the successor of the Jean Pierre Alaux’s section, prince of Surrealism and Jacques Poirier, Hyperrealism pope. Years go by, names change but the story continues.

“Imaginaires” came from a poem reading in a library, one day after high school. To a host of strange, unknown and surreal things and animals from the depths of the abyss to the surface of the waves.

As it can sometimes be with some of our uncertain dreams that come from the depths of the subconscious to bloom in colors on the surface of the canvas.

Finally, as Picasso would say, “I put everything I love in my paintings. Too bad for things, they just have to work out between them.”

Head of « Imaginaires » group

Translated by Adélie Derriaux

To discover the artists in this section, visit the virtual exhibition

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