

The Variations group is a pretty special one within the Salon d’Automne.

All the other sections of the Salon d’Automne have in common an “inner specific pictural approach”, for example Abstraction, Figuration, Synthèse, etc. Here it is not a common path that unites the artists of the Variation group but a “quest of split tracks”, different but always sincere and honest.

Are we, the artists, not all inhabited by a deep inside energy that shaped our own personality ? Driving itself to express the inner part of ourselves up to materiality as on canvas, paper, stone, earth, etc, giving birth to an art work ?
In opposition to the finite nature of our lives, here come the struggle of an artist with his “inside angel” made of wanderings, wavering hesitancy: moving forward and backward, up to the deliverance of the pregnancy of that art work.

Here is the itinerary of a member of the Variation group in its diversity.

Head of Variations group

To discover the artists in this section, visit the virtual exhibition

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