After a competition among the members of the association, we are delighted to present the poster for the 120th anniversary edition of the Salon d'Automne!
The winning entry is by David Labrousse.
David Labrousse comes from a family of artists and has been painting since he was old enough to hold a pencil. As a child, he observed Picasso's blue and pink periods. As he grew older, he discovered Monet, Turner, Gauguin, Matisse and Degas. His meeting with the painter Jacques Vigot turned his painting around. Abstraction beckoned. David Labrousse discovers that any painting, any plastic configuration, is always abstract insofar as what pleases and speaks to the sense is: composition, the correspondence of colors, their distribution and the interplay of forms. He then turned to abstraction, minimizing the anecdotal, the descriptive and the event-driven.
Whatever the medium or "subject", David Labrousse clings to what he calls "the alchemy of desire and doing", which enables him to interpret a flow of emotions, to trace them and to propose to each person to make his or her own reading of them. His works have no title, because they don't "represent".