Environnemental art


The environmental art section brings together artists who immerse themselves in nature, landscapes, and environmental and ecological issues, a source of beneficial creations that reshape our universe.

In a communion of thoughts, these artists weave a network of ideas and support, blending harmoniously, as art is a powerful means of communication and transformation. They explore various forms of expression, from grand installations to sculpture, photography, video, serigraphy, lithography and performances revealing a propensity to value abandoned, diverted, recycled or reclaimed materials.

Through different approaches, they awaken critical reflections regarding our relationship with the environment. Environmental art also aims to be a bearer of alternatives and saving solutions. Each artist bring their unique vision and intimate style to the collective, weaving a tapestry of unparalleled diversity. The combination of individual talents on display creates a captivating experience at each edition of our Autumn Salon.

As the president of this section, I have the noble task of being a talent facilitator, aware of the messages conveyed by these creations while celebrating cultural diversity. It is our duty to be talent enablers by fostering the connection of ideas and emotions through their works. Here we are a faithful reflection of a society in motion, bearers of heightened consciousness and determination to shape a world in resonance with our environment.

Head of the « Environmental Art » section

To discover the artists in this section, visit the virtual exhibition

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