As a child, she was looking for calm sea (Seto Inland Sea), and by then there was not yet a big bridge (Seto Ohashi Bridge opened in april 1988).
Her father and mother ran a small fish shop. At that time, her parents often took her to the “hama”(fresh fish market) and she kept looking for the brightly colored fish on display. She has never forgotten the dazzling glow of the sea and colorful fish from”hama”.
Even now, each landscape has been vivid in her mind forever.
子供の頃、目の前には静かな海があり(瀬 戸内海)そしてまだ、アノ大きな橋がなか った頃(瀬戸大橋 1988.4開通) 家は小さな鮮魚店を営んでいました。 その頃よく親に連れられて「はま」(鮮魚 市場)に行き、私は並べられた色鮮やか鮮 魚達をずーっとずーっといつまでも眺めて おりました。 あの時の海の眩い輝き「はま」で見た色と りどりの魚達は、今でも私の中に鮮明に残 っております。
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